Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dengue Awareness Campaign

Date: 29 August 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 9:30am-11.45am
Venue: OUG

Due to the recent outbreak of the Dengue fever in OUG, DBKL and the residents in OUG are very concerned and worried about the situation. Hence,Gotong Royong was suggested.

This Gotong Royong was jointly organized by Rukun Tetangga OUG and Rotarian Club Seri Petaling with the assistance from the Health Department of DBKL. There were a total of 10 Rotarians and Anns from RC Sri Petaling, 20 Interactors from SMK Seri Saujana Seri Petaling and about 10 members from Rukun Tetangga OUG Zone E and G participated in this project.

The main aim of the Gotong Royong is to distribute the flyers(checklist of the possible water log areas in the house) from door to door in order to inform and educate the residents about the great importance of eradicating the breeding grounds of the mosquitoes. Meanwhile,there were also DBKL trucks collecting any unwanted containers outside of the houses.

The participants were divided into 5 groups, and every group was headed by the members of OUG Rukun Tetangga. The briefing for the Gotong Royong was conducted by Dr. Umi from the Health Department of DBKL @ the Pondok of Rukun Tetangga OUG.

This drain is clogged in front of a row of houses and the water is not flowing. Definitely the best place for the mosquitoes to breed :o

After the walk, Interactors cleaned up the compound of the Rukun Tetangga as well :)


To the Interactors that participated in this event, WELL DONE, GUYS! :)
For those who couldnt make it, fret not! You're all welcome to join us in the future :)

Until next time :)

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