Saturday, December 25, 2010

53rd District Interact Conference

Date : 3rd December - 5th December 2010

Venue : Royale Bintang Resort, Seremban ( yes, we actually get to stay in a 4-star hotel! :D )
Host Club : Rotary Club of Seremban

There were over 800 participants from all over Malaysia and three foreigners too, from Nigeria, Korea and also Japan.

7 members from our club participated and  a great thanks to the rotary club of Seri Petaling for sponsoring us with some of the registration fees! It was a great experience there and not only do we get to know more friends, we get to learn a whole new, different stuffs. There were experienced speakers giving us talk in all the 12 sessions.

President Char Lie, Vice President Chee Hoe, Treasurer Mickey, Community service, Aaron Tan, IU Director, Sabrina Chan, Funding Director, Chan Sook Mun and S.A.A Edmund Sibert went. And, this event is not open to only B.O.D's, it's open to any interactors that is interested to join :)

All the presidents present there were supposed to changed their seats to a table with interactors you don't know. This is a very cool idea haha, because you actually learn to lead a group of unknown people and there were, a lot of presidents there. Some of the table actually have more than one president.

The first day was messy because the hotel rooms aren't ready yet for some of the interactors. Luggages and bags were everywhere in the lobby. Only towards the end of the day, everything got sorted out and because some interactors got their rooms late, they didn't get to bath and change before the next session arrived.

Rotarian Advisor, Mr Lawrence came to drop us a visit on the second day :)
P. CharLie, F.D Sook Mun, T. Mickey and IU. Sabrina got a room together on the seventh floor while the three other guys got a room on the sixth floor.
 this is the view from the girl's hotel room. There is actually a swimming pool but none of us got to swim because everyday was busy busy.

Each president were given an attendance sheet so as to make sure none of the interactors skip any session. :) It was smart of them to do so because there WERE some interactors that were planning to do that haha.

There were also a Rakan COP exhibition there so during breaks, interactors were allowed to have a look there.
This were the interactors we sat with during the formal night and they were all very nice, friendly people. :D

This was taken during the formal night. At the end of the night there was a dancefloor and it lasted until midnight. :D the dancefloor was great and the rotarian was being very lenient, extending the time for us! THANK YOU so much because it caused you guys a great deal of trouble! I guess that was the most memorable event throughout the whole Conference. Interactors were just dancing up there, on the stage :D

From left- Sook Mun, Mickey, Uzo, Sabrina, Grace and CharLie. (Uzo and Grace were from Kolej Tunku Jaafar)

Sorry, not much photos were taken because our Data Director who's in charge for taking pictures weren't present :p  Food were provided from breakfast until supper- so no worries of getting hungry!

The were 12 sessions throughout the three days and we were taught of something different every time. :) For me, I enjoyed the speaker who taught us the right position to sit and to stand!

and, finally,


Have a great christmas! :) and thank you for visiting our blog :D

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